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Book Review: How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup

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The best book that I have read out there for blogging (and yes, I even gave Blogging for Dummies), is Ruth Soukup’s book, How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul.

The book takes a practical approach to blogging from setting up your blog to finding your ideal reader to growing your blog into a business.

While the book does push their Elite Blogging Academy course throughout the book by giving many student testimonials, if you choose not to go the route of EBA, you can still benefit from this great read. The book offers practical advice and is written in an easy to understand format. In fact, as I read this book, I put into practice many of the book’s suggestions and was surprised to find that some of those suggestions greatly increased my traffic immediately. So it is no wonder why it is the #1 Amazon Best Seller.

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