a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk

My Blogging Journey: Getting back on track

This month has been all about the new business launch and very little on blogging. Did I also mention that I’m a writer who is writing a novel? I have had a lot of irons in the fire. The first order of business was to get the blog up for …

selective focus photography of multicolored confetti lot

My Blogging Journey: Celebrations

The one thing that I’ve learned over the course of a year is that blogging requires consistency to get results. This week, I’m celebrating the fact that I have consistently blogged and posted at least one post per week. On some of my websites, I have consistently posted multiple times …

silver laptop computer near notebook

My Blogging Journey: Making a Plan

As I sat down on Friday, I realized that my blogging had really suffered this past week. So I grabbed my planner and started jotting down everything that I needed to do. The purpose was to prioritize for the weekend and next week. The first thing that I needed to …

green ceramic mug beside black click pen on white and green book

My Blogging Journey: Finding the Sweet Spot

When it comes to advertising and growing your business, you have to find just the right niche to throw all of your time into so that you can become successful. If you’ve followed along with me, you know that I have several blogs that I run that range in subjects …