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Blogging Business Business Ideas

My Blogging Journey: Slow and Steady

Finding my blogging groove is a slow and steady pace. As much as I would love to jump in and go Gung Ho on it all, I just can’t do that. I noticed recently that one of my blogs has gained a lot of traction since school started. I know that I need to focus on this one in particular, but I also know that once school is out, it will slow down some.

What will it take to make my business successful?

Continuous blogging. I need to make sure that I am blogging consistently to keep the search engines returning, and at the same time, to keep my readers coming back.

Despite my content calendars that keep me focused on what I’ve done and what is coming up in the future, I know that I need to develop the discipline needed to make it all successful. I tend to go overboard when it comes to a new goal, but then I start to fizzle out once I’ve managed to give myself burnout. It’s due to this “burnout” that I decided to take things slow and steady.

My content calendars post no more than 2x a week. This keeps me from feeling overwhelmed. Some, I have only once a week. These are blogs that I spend more time on the retail side of things rather than the blog. They have newsletters and social media posts that are tied to them, so I have to make sure that I am at least posting once per week.

I also have a tendency to over plan. I spend too much time planning and not enough time implementing. I think this blog is that way from time to time. My draft list is long, and one day, I know I’ll finish everything.

Overall, I think that taking a step back and slowing my pace is going to help in the long run. I need to find time in the evenings to spend writing, but I know that evenings can be complicated. It’s during those times that I try to remember that the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. If I can only find 15 minutes to work, I can only find 15 minutes. I spend those writing, planning, or researching. Slow. Steady. Consistent. One. Bite.

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