Stand with assorted colorful spools of thread for sewing placed near white wall inside dressmaker workshop or tailor atelier for fashion design and apparel creation
Business Ideas Business Management Growing Your Business Handmade Business

My Handmade Update: After the merge

I have finally finished merging the majority of my websites. I still have about 10 more items to include in my catalog, and then I should be able to fully start my promotion campaigns.

The change in doing this has been almost immediate. I’m no longer having to focus on items for 3 websites. For example, before I would have to decide which children’s items I would make, which adult items, and which miscellaneous, some of which fit in two different websites at the same time. Now, it doesn’t matter. It’s all for the same website. I can sit down and get 3-4 new items completed in a day and not feel guilty that I worked on one more than another.

The only issue I have now is deciding on what products I want to blog about or include in my Newsletter. My list hasn’t necessarily grown, but I have been consistently marketing to the list I have. The wonderful thing is that my traffic has tripled. That, in itself, is a huge plus! Who would’ve thought. For one of my websites, I wasn’t receiving as much traffic, now that I’ve combined them, I’m getting much more traffic.

The next issue is to up my affiliate game. I do have an affiliate program on my website, but it doesn’t bring me as much traffic. Plus, most of the time I just receive spam. I changed the way I add affiliates, so now that has stopped. I want to add Share-a-Sale, but it costs $700 to get started with them. Mostly, you put your payment money in, and they take care of payments for you. Unfortunately, to begin, it is $700.

As for a monthly goal? I want to double that traffic I have for July.

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