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Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: Making a Plan

As I sat down on Friday, I realized that my blogging had really suffered this past week. So I grabbed my planner and started jotting down everything that I needed to do. The purpose was to prioritize for the weekend and next week.

The first thing that I needed to know was what would benefit me right now, in this moment. The three things that stood out the most was my writing (trying to keep up with my posting), making items for the bazaar sale next month, and new products for my handmade clothing store. I had to keep those three things going because they were central to my success. The bazaar would be a great way to get publicity in the area and new products is a must when you are selling anything!

With my plan made, I had to multi-task where I could. Some things I could work on while my other stuff was in the middle of making (the great thing about setting up my machine and letting it run). Other things required my full attention.

For the weekend, I managed to space things out and make the most of my Friday night and the day on Saturday. Do I still wish the weekend was longer? YES!

That’s the thing about having your own business and building it while you are also maintaining a full time job: prioritizing your time. This week will be a busy one at my full time job. I have to find time to work when I can on what I can when I get home. I know I will be tired, but maintaining the ability to continue to create content is a must. The end of the month is fast approaching, and I know that planning my goals for next month is going to be crucial to this month’s successes.

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