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Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: More Off Days

It is difficult to function when you feel overwhelmed. I sat down yesterday and tried to write, but instead I ended up feeling so overwhelmed that I couldn’t function. I had too much to choose from as far as a starting point. This morning, I sat down, read through some writing, and then I decided to pull up one content calendar at a time and focus on one website at a time. I always have my book that I’m working on to fall back on when I get stuck because editing/proofreading is a different process than coming up with something out of nowhere. And yes, that is what blogging can feel like some days: pulling words out of thin air.

In order to avoid the thin air approach, I usually try to have things in certain levels of production. For example, am I writing or researching. Some things have to be researched before they can fully be written. Some things require me to keyword research prior to writing. But no matter the stage, it can all feel like I’m just pulling something out of nothing. My content calendars help me to keep track of what is coming up and what I can be working on, but in the end, I still have to form it. When I feel overwhelmed, it can make that task much more difficult. Even trying to push through, I can’t. I find myself at those points where I work on another month, or I research, or I work on some other part of the website maintenance. There are plenty of other tasks that require less brain power that one can focus on when they are feeling overwhelmed. I usually choose one of those so that I can feel productive even when I don’t want to be productive.

What about you? How do you overcome those days when you know you need to do something, but inspiration and motivation is non-existent?

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