person in black and white t-shirt using computer
Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: The Ugly Truth

I love to sit down and watch YouTube videos on how to be a better blogger. They always give me a good laugh. Why? As a blogger, I know the ugly truth. The truth that they don’t want to tell you because if they did, they wouldn’t have the views on YouTube that they have. Clickbait is real, and they want to tell you and sell you the dream. The truth is it is a lot of work.

I’ve shared with you before that you have to be willing to push through even when you fill like you are spinning your wheels. It’s going to take some time. Each week, I check my search ranking on Google’s search console. It’s usually a good indicator as to whether or not Google has found me or not. It’s also a good way to determine where I’m showing up in search results for what keywords.

I have 3 blogs that were kind of launched before Christmas, but I’ve added posts to them in January, and in the middle of February I made it a point to blog on a set schedule. So ideally I’m 3 months in. Where are they on the search console? Not even a whisper of a ranking. I’m not even ranked at one million or above. It’s as though I’m a ghost waiting to appear.

Are there things I can do to change this? Sure. If I had more than 24 hours in my day, which I don’t. I do plan to do something about it, but I don’t know if it will be this week or not. I have so much going on that finding time to design one graphic for each of my blogs and their posts that are not ranked is slim. I’m sure if I only had one blog that I was building it would be fine. I could put in the extra work. I could promote, promote, promote. I could read other blogs like mine and comment hoping to steal a little traffic. I could beg people to read it. I could…

It’s a lot of work. You have to find time to be productive. You have to find time to promote. Am I relying on simply just Google and other search engines to find me? Yes. The whole purpose as to why I have 10 blogs is to test out things. It’s my laboratory. I’m testing out many of the things that people are promoting. Do I have a site that is doing well? Yes and no. Yes, it is ranked and most things come up on the first page of search results. As for gaining a lot of traffic and business, it isn’t. Can I change some of that? Yes. Am I ready to? No. (long story that I’ll have to post in another category) However, this website is also nearly 3 years old. It is well-established with posts and products (it’s an ecommerce store). I currently can take that next step because I have zero working space right now, because I make those products myself and have been displaced. That will change soon!

Am I disheartened that my 3 blogs aren’t doing as well? No. I know that even if you do have a social media presence, it will still take some time to be found. I know that no matter what, things do take some time to be established and be established well. I’m okay with waiting on organic traffic and not spending money for traffic or views. The ugly truth is that it will take time if you don’t have the excess funds for ads. It’s going to take time if you don’t have much in the way of posts. It’s going to take time if you are not consistently posting.

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