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Blogging Business

Skipping too many days

Welcome to my blogging journey where I tell you how grand everything is. Yeah, right. I have no clue what happened in April. It seems mostly a blur. My routine was disrupted and continues to be disrupted. I think I did better when my content calendar was paper. Geez!

I doubt paper would’ve helped me avoid the disaster that was April. I had way too many things going on in April. Did I mention I was homeless for the month of April? We were completely displaced and only recently managed to move into a new house just in time. I guess that happens when things are disrupted.

What do you do in those situations where you have just been skipping too many days and now your blog has not grown like you wanted it to do?

You start all over. Not the entire blog! No! You just pick up and start again. Don’t overwhelm yourself and decide that you need to blog every single day. Instead, try for once a week or twice a week to get back into a routine of writing.

I currently manage several online businesses on top of blogging. Things get to be hectic. I wanted to grow my business, but being displaced for nearly 4 weeks did not help. I do get to dive into creating new products for my businesses, but I don’t plan to just go crazy. It’s going to take some time, especially since it is about to be the last month of school for me. Once summer is here, I can work from sun up to sun down and not worry about anything, but right now, I can’t do that. My energy is needed elsewhere.

I am happy about how things are starting to grow. I have a vision going forward that I plan to see come into existence. It has been coming on for the last 3-4 years. I believe this is the year to make it all happen. Am I concerned about skipped days? Not at all. Instead, I used those days to plan. I used those days to jot down new ideas and design new things. When I look at it, I really didn’t skip a day. Instead, I was just using my energy elsewhere to expand my business.

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