person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: Finding my Groove Again

It seems like forever since I sat down at my laptop and worked on any of my blogs. I have managed to write a few ahead, but I forgot to post, and then there is the fact that my internet just doesn’t cut it. I used to be able to pull up all of the websites that I managed or wrote for plus a search bar to research something I needed to clarify, but I cannot do that where I currently live. The downside to my internet is that it is through my cellphone plan and we have zero reception here. Sometimes you can send a text or receive a call and sometimes you cannot.

Plus, it is the busy season for me. As a full time teacher, May means all of the madness that comes with the end of the school year: Dances/proms, Awards day, Graduation, Field Day, Reward Days for good behavior, End-of-the-Year Field Trips, State Testing, District Testing, Last minutes pushes to get all assignments turned in, Yearbook Day, and more. It is just one big event after another. In fact, I think that I hold my homeroom 2 out of the 5 days this week, and both days the week after. This will be the last week that I see all of my students for their regular class. The good thing about this being the last full week of school is that I will be able to write more as I do not have to plan as much. That is if I still have energy when I return home.

To be honest, I’m looking forward to finding my groove again where writing is concerned. I think that it will definitely help me with my routine. I miss having a regular writing routine, but at the same time, I also know that I have more than just writing. I also have a business I run where I create the products that I sell. That means building up my inventory. Summer is where I will be finding the perfect balance between writing days and creation days. I will actually start to play around with that this week, and hopefully I’ll have a report for you in my next blogging journey post.

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