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Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: Celebrations

The one thing that I’ve learned over the course of a year is that blogging requires consistency to get results. This week, I’m celebrating the fact that I have consistently blogged and posted at least one post per week. On some of my websites, I have consistently posted multiple times each week.

I have tried to stick to a schedule of writing on a daily basis, and I have been keeping up with my content calendars. Currently my calendars are filled out through August, even if I am blogging a week ahead. My goal is to be a month ahead when it comes to writing, but I know that is something that will take some time. Generally I try to go through and find things that I know I can quickly blog about with little research. This can be difficult, because I still want to fact check myself. It is a habit I picked up in college when writing long research papers. You always want the latest information, so it is habit to double check and triple check my information.

At one time, I was trying to keep up with 12 websites, all of which had blogging as a way to generate organic traffic. I cut that list down by combining 3 of my clothing websites into one. Completely doing away with one that had very little traction and Google Adsense would not approve for ads. Plus, my “experiment” has been set aside. I am no longer using AI to blog on that website because after a year, I learned that AI could not fully replace a human writer. The information was generic and did not read well. Now I have 7 blogs (it would have been 6, but I added another for personal reasons) that I keep up with on a daily basis. One is brand new and should be completely ready by the time I am finished writing the second book that will go with that website.

Overall, I am enjoying celebrating this victory. It is one that has been slow coming, but considering that I walked away from my full time job to pursue this full time, I feel successful. Have I replaced my income? No. I have at least 2 more months to do that. It will truly be a watch and see situation.

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