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Handmade Business

My Handmade Journey: Back to Sewing

I feel like it has been so long since I was in front of a sewing machine. I had stopped making children’s clothes (due to not renewing compliancy) and even the other items were not being sewn. I had no real sewing space.

Okay. I still don’t have a real sewing space as I’m unpacking, but part of my June goals was to get compliant. It’s summer, and I am ready to create some cute children’s clothes to add to my line. I do hope to get back into the routine of creating a Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer line of clothing, but that is something that will have to come much later.

Moving has been something that I am happy about. I wanted to create a living doing nothing but what I enjoy, but I never really tried. When I moved, I decided to take a huge leap of faith and just go for it. I have no choice but to be successful. This is now my job!

It’s one thing to have a side hustle where you sew. It’s another to turn that into a full time job. I have no excuses about not having time. I now have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to work. I promise to take time for myself. I have to, or I will face burnout.

The biggest obstacle was my compliance issue for the children’s clothing. I managed to get that taken care of so that I can now start my manufacturing of children’s clothing again. I am also considering selling at the local flea market. I would much rather sell on my own website than go to a platform like Etsy. Etsy is okay, but the fees are outrageous. All of my profit was eaten up by advertising and seller fees.

After my first week of sewing (this is being written a week in advance), I’ll be sure to update on my progress.

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