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Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: Consistency Goals

I am currently finishing up my first full month as a full time writer. When I set out goals for June 2024, one of the things at the top of my list was to blog at least once weekly, even if I do have multiple days each week that I post. I am proud to say that I managed to obtain that goal. This was a huge deal! Especially since I am now writing full time.

When you first start out blogging, its going to be effortless. You will be excited about blogging and adding new ideas, but soon the newness wears off, and the novelty is gone. It is this point where the real work begins.

I know that in order to move my blog up in the ranks, I need to be consistently adding new content. And not just content, but relevant content. I do have readers who come to my blogs regularly, but I also need to find new readers.

At this point, I wanted to be making $1000/month. Right now, I can barely get over $1. In fact, my goal for June was to make $1 on Google Adsense, but those months where I did not have the time to blog really hurt me in this department. Right now, I barely have earned $0.50 this month.

Each day, I come into my office and I make a conscientious effort to write. I keep up with my content calendars, and I create my content, plus I plan ahead. I have ideas for blogs through August. By July, I should have content for September through December added.

Staying ahead and planning ahead helps me to know what needs research and what I can go ahead and write right away. This keeps my consistency up and if there is a time when I cannot write, I do have things to pull from so that I stay consistent.

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