questions, demand, doubts
Blogging Business

It’s all just chaos now

There’s so much going on at this moment that I don’t know where to start. August was just, a nightmare when it comes to getting things done. I was so on top of my game until that point.

Hi. Welcome to My Blogging Journey update. Maybe. Kind of.

I sat down Monday to get back into the flow of things when I realized that August was over, and my content calendar had not been filled out for September. Like, really? Where did August go?

Instead of writing, I’ve had to spend time creating my September content calendars for my blogs, and it is amazing that I went from reducing my blogs to adding more. What was I thinking? Each time I try to reduce my workload so that I can become more efficient, I end up creating more work and chaos for myself. That’s not how this was supposed to work. I was supposed to be able to better manage my time.

Looking over my content calendars, I saw so many potential posts highlighted in red (meaning I did not complete them) and so few with green (those that were completed). My year goal of blogging weekly was busted by August. It only took 8 months before plans changed. I will have to sit down and go through everything to find out what I could have done to keep up the flow, but for right now, I am all about getting in there and picking up the pieces.

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