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Blogging Business

My Blogging Journey: Getting back to a schedule

When it comes to blogging, I have to have a schedule. If I write too much, I become burnt out. If I write too little, I allow myself to procrastinate more. The great thing about school finally being out and me not working a full time job outside of the house means that I can work a full time job at home. I flip my script and channel my energy into my businesses (writing and handmade), and I work a different schedule.

How is my schedule different?

I still get up early every morning, although not as early. I sit down with my coffee in hand, set a timer, and I plan what I will accomplish that day. Depending on the day, that may vary from sewing, designing, or writing.

I still operate 10 websites. 4 of those are retail sites where I sell my creations. 3 of them, I actually sew or embroider items for, and one of them, I design items as it is more print on demand for right now. The other 6 are all blogs. Out of those, 1 is my experiment with AI for content creation, and the rest I have to write myself.

Because of all of these sites, I spend at least 1 day per week writing, sometimes 2. It just depends on what I have going on. On writing days, I also include social media planning. This is new, because when I tried to do this while working full time, I could never manage my time enough. I’m still learning how to do this.

Am I truthful with My Blogging Journey?

Yes. Almost too honest, to be exact. Blogging while working a full time job can be quite stressful. Especially with teaching. My plate is full already, and here I am trying to fill it to overflowing.

The truth is that I have been trying to reach that sweet spot where blogging becomes full time for about a year now. Most people do not have this much trouble reaching that point. Of course, most people choose one niche and work on that only. Not everyone is a writer like me. Not everyone sees opportunities like this as a way to build research for books. Not everyone would burn themselves out like me. And yes, that is what it feels like sometimes.

I did sit down today and look at my web stats as I did a little backend maintenance. I was genuinely surprised to find that my traffic had slowed down significantly when my blogging decreased. It just goes to show you that when I was consistently writing using my content calendar, I was making progress. My traffic went from 4000 hits in January and February when I was writing at my peak to 238 in May when I was overwhelmed with school stuff. More content equals more traffic equals more money in ad revenue.

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What if blogging isn’t my thing?

Well, you will probably benefit from my handmade journey. I will be blogging about building my business back up. If anything, you are sure to find something on this website that will help you no matter what type of business you are looking to create.

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